** Phoenix Financial, is a former RIA (Registered Investment Advisory) firm with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Presently structured as a Sole Proprietorship with the Commonwealth, the firm is in the process of restructuring as a Limited Liability Corporation.

Phoenix Financial

Phoenix Financial

Phoenix Financial

"General Savings Thoughts .."

To the right is a document I created entitled "Before You Start Saving .. General Savings Thoughts & Recommendations."  As with all other content on the web-site, it's not to be interpreted as advice or recommendations of any kind.  They are very general guidelines for individuals curious as to some of the components comprising the concept of "saving."

It not only includes the above illustration but also, as the title suggests, offers some important things one should consider as you begin the savings process.  Just click on the link to the right and you can view, save, and / or print.

They involve:

The CFP Board, an independent, non-profit organization which sets and enforces the requirements for CFP® certification, has established Financial Planning standards, integral part to planning, and intended to safeguard the interests of the consumer with regards to personal financial planning.


  1. Establishing and Defining the Relationship with the Client.
  2. Gathering Client Data - Advisor & Client collectively review the data.
  3. Analyzing and Evaluating the Client's Financial Status - Analyzing & evaluating your overall Financial Status.
  4. Developing and Presenting the Financial Planning Recommendation - Based on our prior meeting(s), develop  & present the Financial Planning Recommendations.
  5.  Implementing the Financial Planning Recommendation(s) - After discussion, the Recommendations are then  implemented.
  6.  Monitoring - The next step, Monitoring, I believe, is critical; Should be discussed regularly.

Together, you and your Advisor will establish a personalized & comprehensive ongoing financial plan that emulates the Boards standards, one that's both comprehensive yet easy to follow and free from any outside influences.

Remember, you are the Boss.

The Advisors job is to:

Leverage his/her/their years of experience for your benefit.

Provide honest counsel.

And help you manage the emotional component that frequently steers us off course.

The Financial Planning Process